Installation and Build System

This guide will walk you through the complete process of installing the Brane SDK and setting up your first project. By following these steps, you’ll create a properly configured development environment for heterogeneous computing applications that can target CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and specialized accelerators.

Prerequisites #

The Brane SDK requires several foundational components to function properly. Let’s install each of these prerequisites systematically. Begin by installing these essential components:

DependencyDescriptionInstallation Guide
Java (17+)Required for running the SDKInstall Java
GroovyScripting language used by GradleInstall Groovy
GradleBuild automation tool that powers the Brane-BuilderInstall Gradle

Depending on which hardware targets you’ll be developing for, install the appropriate drivers and SDKs:

DependencyDescriptionInstallation Guide
C/C++ CompilerRequired for compiling applicationsInstall GCC or Clang via your system’s package manager
OpenCL RuntimeGPU and accelerator computingProvided by GPU vendors
NVIDIA Drivers & CUDANVIDIA GPU accelerationInstall NVIDIA drivers
AMD Drivers & ROCmAMD GPU accelerationInstall AMD ROCm
Kalray Drivers & RuntimeKalray accelerator supportContact Kalray for installation details

Run clinfo, nvidia-smi, rocminfo, etc. to verify OpenCL installation. The Brane SDK includes built-in dependency validation that will automatically report any missing or misconfigured components during initialization, helping you troubleshoot your setup.

Setting Up Your Development Environment #

The Brane SDK works with various development environments, but we recommend IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for the best experience.

Installing IntelliJ IDEA #
  1. Download IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate from JetBrains’ website
  2. Install the IDE following the official installation guide for your operating system
  3. Verify Gradle plugin activation by navigating to:
    • Windows/Linux: File > Settings > Plugins
    • macOS: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Plugins
    Ensure the Gradle plugin is enabled (it should be activated by default in recent versions)
Alternative Development Environments #

If you prefer not to use IntelliJ IDEA, the Brane SDK works with any of these alternatives:

  • Other IDEs with Gradle support:
    • Eclipse with Buildship plugin
    • Visual Studio Code with Gradle extensions
    • CLion with Gradle integration
  • Command-line development:
    • Use any text editor combined with Gradle commands in a terminal
    • All Brane SDK functionality is accessible through Gradle tasks

Creating Your First Brane SDK Project #

Let’s create a basic project structure that follows Brane SDK conventions.

Basic Project Layout #

A typical Brane SDK project follows this hierarchical structure:

├── build.gradle         # Root build file
├── settings.gradle      # Project settings
├──    # Gradle and AWS credentials
├── gradlew              # Gradle wrapper script
├── gradlew.bat          # Gradle wrapper for Windows
└── modules/
    └── hello-world/     # Sample application module
        ├── build.gradle # Module configuration
        └── src/
            └── main/
                ├── c/   # C source files
                └── cpp/ # C++ source files

This organization allows for clean separation of concerns while enabling unified building across the entire project.

Configuration Files #

Three key configuration files control your Brane SDK project:

1. Root build.gradle

The root build.gradle file configures access to the Brane plugin repository and establishes project-wide settings. Here’s a comprehensive example with annotations:

// Configure build script repositories and dependencies
buildscript {
    repositories {
        // Brane plugin repository (requires AWS credentials)
        maven {
            url "s3://com.brane.repository.maven/release/"
            credentials(AwsCredentials) {
                // AWS credentials can be provided as environment variables or in
                accessKey = System.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') ?: findProperty('aws_access_key_id')
                secretKey = System.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') ?: findProperty('aws_secret_access_key')
        // Public repositories for additional dependencies
    // Required dependencies for the build process
    dependencies {
        // Brane-Builder plugin - core of the SDK
        classpath 'com.brane.plugins:brane-builder:2.0.1'
        // Apache Velocity for template processing
        classpath 'org.apache.velocity:velocity:1.7'
        // Add any additional build-time dependencies here

// Common configurations that apply to all projects
allprojects {
    repositories {

2. Root settings.gradle

The settings.gradle file defines your project’s name and the modules to include in the build. This file controls which parts of your project are compiled:

// Set the root project name - this will be displayed in IDEs = 'DevToolkit'

// Include application modules to be built
// Format: 'Parent:Category:Platform:ModuleName'
include 'DevToolkit:demo:arria10:BitcoinMiner'      // FPGA Bitcoin mining example
include 'DevToolkit:demo:coolidge:CLDeviceTester'   // Kalray Coolidge platform example
include 'DevToolkit:examples:generic:HelloWorld'    // Cross-platform example

The include paths follow a hierarchical structure that helps organize modules logically. This structure is especially useful for large projects with many modules targeting different platforms.

3. Module-specific build.gradle

Each application module needs its own build.gradle file specifying target platforms, dependencies, and compilation options. Here’s an annotated example:

// Apply the appropriate Brane plugins based on target platform
plugins {
    id 'com.brane.coolidge.cpp'  // Kalray Coolidge platform plugin

// Configure the application build settings
application {
    // Define target architectures for this module
    targetMachines = [
        machines.linux.x86_64,                         // Standard x86_64 Linux host
        coolidgeMachines.clusterOS.architecture("MPPA_v2")  // Kalray Coolidge Accelerator
    // Optional: Configure C/C++ compiler options
    cppCompiler {
        // Enable specific optimizations
        optimizationLevel = 3  // -O3 optimization
        // Define preprocessor macros
        define('DEBUG_LEVEL', '2')
AWS Credentials for Brane Plugin Repository #

The Brane SDK plugin repository is hosted on AWS S3 and requires authentication. You have two options for providing AWS credentials:

  1. Environment Variables:
    • Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment
  2. Gradle Properties:
    • Create a file in your project root or in ~/.gradle/ with: propertiesCopyaws_access_key_id=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key=YOUR_SECRET_KEY

For security reasons, the file should not be committed to version control if it contains sensitive information.

Verifying Your Setup #

After configuring your environment and project structure, verify that everything is working correctly:

  1. Navigate to your project directory in a terminal
  2. Check for project recognition in IntelliJ (if using):
    • Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
    • Verify that Gradle sync completes successfully
    • Confirm that modules are recognized in the Project view

If any issues occur, the Brane SDK provides detailed error messages to help diagnose and resolve configuration problems.

Next Steps #

With the Brane SDK installed and your project structure established, you’re ready to develop heterogeneous computing applications. From here, you can:

  • Create your first application following the examples in the next section
  • Explore platform-specific optimizations for your target hardware
  • Learn about advanced build configurations for complex projects
  • Integrate existing code into the Brane SDK structure

The following sections of this documentation will guide you through these processes with practical examples and detailed explanations.

What are your feelings
Updated on March 3, 2025